Survey Says: Women Make the Best Employees

By Mike Johnson, for Clement Communications, Inc.

Hire women.

That's the conclusion of the largest survey of American thoughts and values ever conducted in United States history. Organized by J. Walter Thompson Advertising executives and authors James Patterson and Peter Kim, the survey questioned over 2,000 Americans, who each answered 1,800 questions during the same one week time span at 50 locations spread across nine geographical zones. Their results are compiled in the 253-page book, "The Day America Told The Truth."

"In America, women are morally superior to men," say the authors. "This is true all across the country -- everywhere, in every single region, on every moral issue tested. Both sexes say so emphatically. Women lie less, steal less, fight less, do drugs less, are less often drunk on the road or on the job. Women are more responsible, more loyal at work, more faithful in their relationships. Women make better citizens, better team players."

While making hiring decisions on the basis of sex alone is not only illegal but imprudent, the survey provides compelling reasons to tip the hiring decision in favor of females when faced with two equal candidates.

Men and Women in the Workplace

Believes it's OK to lie to save job: Men: 56% Women: 35%
Lied on job application: Men: 40% Women: 26%
Goofed off at work: Men: 35% Women: 30%
Participated in unethical work practices: Men: 23% Women: 14%
Took office supplies: Men: 38% Women: 32%
Stolen from boss: Men: 15% Women: 8%
Stolen from co-worker: Men: 10% Women: 1%
Stolen from client/customer: Men: 10% Women: 3%
Stolen from work subordinate: Men: 9% Women: 2%
Stolen valuable company property: Men: 6% Women: 1%
Tells the most serious lies: Men: 40% Women: 31%
Lied to boss: Men: 27% Women: 18%
Lied to co-worker: Men: 19% Women: 13%
Was drunk at work: Men: 15% Women: 4%
Used drugs at work: Men: 12% Women: 4%
Left early without telling anyone: Men: 19% Women: 11%
Would rather change profession: Men: 22% Women: 17%
Had affair with co-worker: Men: 13% Women: 6%
Used expense report to treat a personal friend: Men: 19% Women: 5%
Addicted to alcohol: Men: 32% Women: 18%
Addicted to illegal drugs: Men: 26% Women: 19%
Addicted to gambling: Men: 12% Women: 5%
